Tuesday 14 August 2012

thank you

I wrote in my last post about how worthwhile it is to make the effort to cook a meal for your friends. I have to add that something which really warms my heart is when those friends send you a special thank you message afterwards. After our dinner the other night, Kate called the next day to say how much they enjoyed themselves - so lovely! A few weeks ago, we cooked lunch for some other friends, Rowan and Amanda, who took the thank you afterwards to a whole new level! A few days later we received this handmade and handwritten card in the mail...

Not only is the card handmade, Rowan and Amanda also took this photograph themselves - as you can see they are a very clever couple!Inside was a beautifully handwritten message, which made me feel like the most wonderful hostess ever! Good manners are something that is so important to preserve - I have made a promise to myself that from now on, whenever I am lucky enough to be invited to an occasion, I will be sure to pen a thank you note or at the very least, pick up the phone the next day to say thank you again. This is something that my own mother never fails to do and it is certainly a tradition worth carrying on, I think.

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