Thursday 9 August 2012

all about ben

Today was a special day for our middle son, Ben. We decided that he was in need of some special attention at the moment, so, my husband, who was on his days off, took Ben, just the two of them, for a day out. They went to the indoor swimming pool and out to a cafe for lunch and to Target to buy Ben some new pyjamas and socks. I stayed at home with baby Teddy, but decided that I would also do something especially for Ben. I'm embarassed to admit that Ben's photo album was sadly lacking - it hadn't been updated for about three years! So I decided to correct the situation. I spent a couple of hours going through all of our photos and saving every one that was of Ben and sorting them into chronological order. Then it was off to the chemist to get the photos printed. Tonight I have just finished putting all of the photos into albums. I can't wait to see Ben's excitement when he sees them in the morning. I only wish that I hadn't put this off for so long. Here is a snapshot of Ben's first 5 years...


  1. Julie, what an interesting and engaging read. You have the ability to make us (the reader) really value and appreciate the 'simple' things in life. And your photos are stunning, complimenting your story beautifully. Thanks for highlighting the wonderful things we have in our lives and I look forward to reading your next article.
    From your number one follower: anonymous!

    1. Hi Hoppy! Thanks so much for your lovely comment - I really appreciate the positive feedback! Please do visit again...Jx

  2. Jools, absolutely loved the read and the pics. I'll look forward to more. I'm sure Cec will love the read too. Reckon Sam is so Steve, Ben in one pic is so Susie.
    Currently in Barcaldine on our way home from The Kimberley and Pilbara.

    1. Hey Uncle Steve! Thanks for your comment. Please do visit again and leave me another one sometime! Am enjoying following your travels on facebook - what fun retirement must be...Jx
