Sunday, 26 May 2013

autumn leaves

The study of Positive Psychology, which I have mentioned previously when talking about gratitude, has identified 24 character strengths that seem to be universally valued in every culture.

The classification comprises six major virtues and then various strengths that fit under each virtue. You can find out your own core strengths by completing a questionnaire. The belief is that everyone possesses all of these strengths to varying degrees, but your top strengths, known as "signature strengths" are effortless for you and you feel energised when using the strength, rather than exhausted. Character strengths are relatively stable, but can and do change.  The good news is that strengths can be nurtured and developed through deliberate and intentional activities. I like the idea of this, because I find that the character strengths I don't see as being strong in myself are often the ones that I want to possess!  It's great to know I can work on improving in those areas.

The VIA (Values in Action) Classification of Character Strengths
  1. Wisdom and Knowledge: Creativity, Curiosity, Judgment and Open-Mindedness, Love of Learning, Perspective
  2. Courage: Bravery, Perseverance, Honesty, Zest
  3. Humanity: Capacity to Love and Be Loved, Kindness, Social Intelligence
  4. Justice: Teamwork, Fairness, Leadership
  5. Temperance: Forgiveness and Mercy, Modesty and Humility, Prudence, Self-Regulation
  6. Transcendence: Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence, Gratitude, Hope, Humor, Religiousness and Spirituality

I found when doing the survey that Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence was one of my signature strenghts.  I have to say that since moving to the High Country I definitely appreciate the natural beauty around me even more and especially so in Autumn. The beautiful colours of the autumn leaves as well as the stunning weather have really been quite breathtaking lately.

When we exercise this strength, we feel uplifted. Viewing an artistic masterpiece or reading about a heroic act in the newspaper does not make us feel small in comparison. Rather it instils in us a sense of awe and connection to something larger than ourselves. If you practise using this strength you can improve it and as a result, experience more awe and more happiness.

Recently we received this pumpkin from our friends who had grown it in their vege garden and it made a beautiful autumn display - eventually I did cut it up and use it for various different soups though of course...

Appreciating beauty is so easy to do here.